As an INTP, I analyze pretty much everything around me automatically. It's been enlightening to me to observe a few things that girls do to "catch" men -- mostly because the vast majority of it seems silly to me. Sigh. I long for a man who is not into the farce.
Want to know what's going on when you're not around??
Men, here's the cliff notes version of how the average woman will snare you:
1. Average is better. She will put forth a great deal of effort to seem "normal" to you. While she may do things to stand out from her female peers -- this will only be within a certain set of bounds, or possibly in one area only.
2. Worse than you at something. She will make sure that she comes across as inferior to you in multiple ways, stressing how good you are at those things.
3. She will appear to have a very full life and to not need you. She will play all the little push-me, pull-me games that men complain about, but nonetheless choose girls who play them. For example, never calling you -- and then only sometimes being responsive when you call her.
4. She will talk about you. She'll ignore the fact that you don't seem super interested in her past or who she is as a person, and content herself with conversations about you.
I hope that while you are being snared you realize that most of the time all of this is bologna. Bologna is what is causing you to get to that point where you think "how did we get here from how things started?" Or, "who is this new/different/psycho woman that is in front of me?"
The Cure for Your Naivete OR Here is what is often going on the behind the scenes in the world of women, and why you may be miserable later:
1. Average? Few people are truly average. Every woman I've met has something about her that is far outside the norm. It might be an incurable obsession with spiders, or men's underwear, or maybe even a personality disorder or a desire to have a completely different life than she does right now. You won't know this until she's got you hooked.
2. Worse than you? Prolly not. Women today are forced into a mold where they are required to be man, woman, parent, and child to themselves. There may not be a whole lot that you excel her in, since all you have to be is a man.
3. Not need you? HAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!!! She's probably pining away after you, complaining that you're unpredictable, and analyzing and bad-mouthing you to all her friends -- all the while gathering encouragement to "act cool." She's just waiting until she's got you hooked to bring out the emotional neediness that all women are cursed with. Trust me. She is irritated when you don't follow a pattern of communication just as much as the girl who is willing to admit it to your face and call you out on it.
Don't believe me? Check out Genesis. She's cursed with an incurable desire for your attention and to please you that will never be satisfied. The days are coming when you will be confronted about your poor communication, inattention, forgetfulness, etc. (assuming you do these things.)
Expectations for your behavior are coming and will be enforced upon pain of making you miserable. And, she'll likely stop doing some of the things you admire her for -- because she was doing at least some of them in an attempt fill both her time and her need for a man -- which is now being partially filled by you.
4. All about you? Hardly. Just wait. The days of rambling about her, your relationship, and requests to troubleshoot the problems in her life are coming. Since you guys will have already covered pretty much everything about you.... expect her probing and insightful questions into all things you to slow to near zero at some point.
To summarize:
1. Almost all women are abnormal/exceptional in some way.
2. Women are capable of pretty much every activity that you are. But don't worry too much about your ego exploding. No woman can be capable at everything, right?
3. She needs you to help meet her emotional needs for security and self-worth.
4. She expects you to hold up your end of the relationship by showing interest in her.
So, to avoid the ugly surprise that your new princess isn't average, dumb, distracted, and hanging on every little word you say......
Pick a woman who is willing to drop the farce up front.
You can encourage this by studying/getting to know her, balancing your conversations, encouraging her to excel, and being willing to meet her emotional needs by expressing that you are pleased with her. Positive re-enforcement will get you what you want quite well.
Become a better man so that you won't need to puff yourself up by encouraging the self-degradation of your woman.
Personally, I find a man displaying the attributes promoted by the Bible to be supremely sexy and desirable, while at the same time realizing that that is a tall order these days.